Sunday 9 May 2010

Beans re-homing!!

Had a lovely couple of hours out in the garden this afternoon. Graham did some much needed weeding and I re-planted the runner beans into their new home - 2 lovely big bright tubs, where I am sure they will be very happy.

Each tub has 5 canes so they've got plenty of climbing room and will hopefully give us plenty of big beans!!

We actually ended up with more bean plants than I originally thought we had because although some of the seeds looked as though they hadn't germinated, i'd obviously put the seeds too deep in the soil in the trays because their leaves were hidden under the soil. So I gently coaxed them out and i've planted them with the big strong plants - hopefully they'll do just as well.

The slugs had already had a good munch on the bean seedings while they were in the green house (a couple had absolutely no leaves, just the stalks!!) so i've copied a tip I heard on the TV the other week and put a ring of vaseline around the top of each pot - aparently it makes it harder for slugs and snails to grip and climb up the pot. I've also put some slug pellets in the pots as a second line of defence!!

Saw some lovely 'climbing' green net in Homebase at the weekend (nice and thick with big holes) - just right for when my cucumbers take off. I'm going to grow them out of large troughs up the netting against the wall where we get lots of sun for half the day - am hoping to get a good crop because our guinea pigs (all 6 of them) absolutely love them, especially when it's hot.

Next job on the list is to plant the cabbages and lettuces that we've grow in the troughs, but I dont think that will be for a few weeks yet cos they are still quite small - want to give them a fighting chance of surviving before we put them in the ground.

Got a small problem with the Honeysuckle plants I planted last week, one of the plant's leaves are covered in black patches. Not sure what's caused it but it's weird it's not on both plants - will have to do some searching on the web.

Am glad Lynn has got some crops growing - i've someone to talk to about this gardening business who is properly interested and not just humouring me, lol!!!


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